This probably ends the busiest week since we have been here. It started Thursday night as we (I should say Colleen, I watched) baked cinnamon buns for my grade 11 and 12 classes to come visit on Friday Morning. We had a blast as the pictures show
Grade 12 Class
Grade 11 Class |
Oh ya, I forgot, before we did the baking on Thursday, we had to go get costumes for Fall Festival on Saturday. Funny story, well kind of. Last year, before Halloween, Colleen wanted to buy Ellianna a Tinkerbell outfit for $5 at Walmart. I said "NO" as we already had an outfit for our child and it is a waste of money to buy another outfit that will only be worn once. Then, KCA happened. I have been peppered with questions, "What are your kids going as for Fall Festival" When I said I didn't have the time, they said "But you have to dress them up" so the Pressure began. I spent my energies (and my money later) to find a costume shop for my children. I found one and lets just say I spent an astronomical amount of money just to fit in and be a "good" Dad. If you have been to PRBI you understand Thought Analysis. Well, the next morning I was analyzing my thoughts and realized that I did not buy the costumes out of love, but out of personal selfishness. I did not want to be the dad who did not dress up his kids. I didn't want to look bad, I wanted to fit in. I wanted everyone to say how cute my kids looked, I...I...I not one unselfish motivation. It hurts knowing you have been selfish when it comes to being a parent. My kids did look cute but how they got there was convicting act.

Our little Spud |
If you look closely, the three of us have matching face-paint! |
We threw in a first haircut for Jolen (Ellianna has not had one yet)
Marking then began for report cards which the final grades were due on Wednesday. I am definitely looking forward to an uneventful weekend.
Through it all, God taught me some amazing lessons about myself (which I did not want to learn, but am glad I did) and His grace and forgiveness. Sometimes I think the Students are the teachers instead of me because I don't know how much I teach them, but try to be the student everyday learning lessons from the pure in heart!
P.S. I have been learning about Canadian English here at an American School. First, if you wear a touque while using a serviette after poutine while on a chesterfield, they look at you funny. And also, bells don't go, they ring. As in "Did the bell go?" Yes it went" they look at you funny again. And one more thing, The American version of the war of 1812 does not involve Canadians. Go figure?
Your children are my favourite!