Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Joy!

If you were to ask me what my favorite gift fro Christmas was, it is a toss-up between an awesome watch
Product Details
This watch screams Blake Johnson!
and having two wonderful visitors!
If you look closely, there are fish eating my parent's feet!
A wonderful Christmas meal
It is always a joy to go out and buy your turkey for exciting events as the smallest turkey breast we could buy was 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) and leg with thigh (they would not cut off the just the leg for me) was 2.5 kilos (5.5 lbs), so needless to say, we cut up the pieces of the bird, totaling about 10 lbs, when we got home into thirds and still had leftovers cooking only 3 pounds of meat.

We were fortunate to have some people send presents and were very blessed to have a full tree
and presents for our kids
We went swimming Christmas day

Ellianna and Jolen's favorite present was Crazy Forts as Ellianna now sleeps every nap and night in her new fort.

Those of you who have grown up with Ukrainian culture know about Ukrainian Christmas, so that means December 25 in Ukraine is a normal working day.  We received Christmas greetings from another team-member here in Ukraine about how Jesus was probably born on a working days as well.

I was reading Facebook and many people commented how this year doesn't feel like Christmas and it reminded me of the first Christmas.  Did it feel like Christmas when Jesus was born?  Probably to the shepherds and the Magi who saw the star, and Mary and Joseph had a special gift, a child!  But in the grand scheme of things, was the day so special to the world?  Eventually the birth of our Saviour would turn the world upside down: Herod's murder of the children of Bethlehem, Pilate's condemnation of and innocent man, the Stone rolled away, tongues of fire spreading to this day to the whole world!  What a special day and a wonderful reminder over here as to the "normality" that was the virgin birth.

I pray blessings for you and your family as you enjoy each other's company in Ukraine, South Africa, Canada, USA and wherever you are reading these humble ramblings of someone who is truly blessed to have a beautiful, loving wife, 2 beautiful, crazy and busy children and parents who were able to come over and share in the normal Christmas festivities!  Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A little piece of Canada

As we anticipated the arrival of my parents, Ellianna get more excited each day, until the day we were going to the airport to pick them up.  She squealed with glee!  "Canada is Coming!!!"
They arrived safe with lots of goodies (I think they only packed 1 extra pair of clothes and filled the rest with stuff for us).  Kevin and Penny just went to visit their daughter for Christmas as well and I am assuming they did the same thing.
This is suitcase 1 of 3 so we got spoiled!
Jolen is now walking like a pro and does not want to be fed.  He will only eat if he gets to do it himself... well... last night we had perogies, with sour cream of course and how can you not love a face like his?
Another thing we were blessed to have my parents for is St. Nicholas' day in Ukraine.  The Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates it on Dec 19 (today) and instead of stockings on Christmas morning, you put your shoe out on Dec 18 night and get your shoe filled with goodies, or coal if you were naughty.

Funny thing I noticed though when taking my parents out and about here in Kiev is they notice how different things are.  I was talking to Colleen just the other night how even though we have been here only 6 months, you forget what things used to be like in Canada.  When I think of things here and Canada, I cannot differentiate the difference.  As far as I can tell, they are the same.  Canada, in some ways has become a distant memory, so much so that I forget what it is like.  I was reminded of this when "fresh" eyes came here and the differences are glaring and you remember for a little bit where you came from.

I know I have written about heaven alot lately and this time is not different.  Will we remember Earth, or our life here, when we get to heaven?  Will it be a distant memory, and more distant than when we have been there ten thousand years?  When we get to heaven and get "used" to it there, when new people "arrive" will we remember what we have been saved from more vividly?  My parents were asking us tonight if we like Ukraine and we both said "We Love It!"  Will I like/love heaven more than Ukraine?  I, in some ways, cannot imagine this as Ukraine is so real and home, but heaven (I know) will be my permanent home, a home with Jesus!  A home that will never be destroyed!  Not a temporary location like Canada, Ukraine, Earth, or even our sinful bodies, but a truly REAL Home!

I can't wait, and yet, I am terrified I will forget the love and friendships on this side of heaven.

Friday, December 13, 2013

You know what happens when you assume?

So, the secretary of KCA, a Ukrainian, told us of this great store that is friendly to foreigners and has lots of foreign stuff and we should try it out.  Well, we have been looking for black beans for the last 6 months and have come up empty; so we figured this was our last hope!  We looked up our transportation route and headed on our way.  Just like the internet said, the bus stopped right in front of the store so we went on our merry way shopping.  Just as we were told, we went into this "Costco" style store, showed our passports and were given a temporary card to shop until we dropped!

We found black beans!  After countless stores and time after time of failed attempts, our mission was successful!  I told Colleen she better stock up on these as you never do know when you can find these again.  So we continued shopping and our final bill came out to roughly $75.  And, me being the assuming Canadian, paid the bill and we began our adventure home.

The wonderful website failed to mention that this store is on a busy street, without any way to cross to get to the other side where we can catch a bus back.  Us being the daring Canadians trudged against the snow and wind for a good kilometer with kids and our goodies in hand towards a place where maybe we could cross the street and get on a bus home.  While waiting for the bus, Colleen asks me what the bill was.  "$75"

"Wow, something is definitely wrong, those beans didn't cost $10 a bag did they?  Let me see the receipt."‎
I showed her the receipt and sure enough, we bought a purse for $25.  Now you have to realize, $25 dollars can feed your family for a week here in Ukraine, so this wasn't just pocket change we had spent on an item that was not in our possession.  But, be being the assuming Canadian did not even think that the cashiers would possibly scan items and add them to your bill for personal gain, but we all know what assuming does.  And boy did it ever.
Needless to say, we did not walk back the 1 kilometer back to the store to try to explain why we did not have a purse in our possession but it is on our receipt and we would like our money back, please (very polite Canadian!).  In the end though, we were thankful that we are very fortunate to be able to cushion the $25 blow and still be surviving.  What if this had happened to a Ukrainian who had been ripped off food for his family for a week?
Christmas is upon us so we decided that cookies are the way to go.  Sugar cookies, nice and simple.  At least I assumed they were.  All the ingredients are easy to find here so we baked them, made icing and then we wanted to colour the icing.  Food colouring and sprinkles.  Sounds simple; but not at all simple.  I went to the store and to my surprise, there is no food colouring and no sprinkles.  Even IGA in Bow Island or the grocery store in Sexsmith has these things, but Ukraine, No way Jose.
So, I had a brainwave!  Jello!  we could buy coloured jello mix it and then we would have colours for our icing.

I think the colours turned out ok.

Next, sprinkles.  I found pastiage in the shape of ladybugs on leaves, and what colours are those?  Red and Green; Hello Christmas!
And the knife came out and I cut until I could cut no more, but we had sprinkes and coloured icing!

Can you tell where the countertop ends and where the cookies start?
In life, we often assume things will always be the same and then when things do not go as expected, you lose your job, you get sick, your children start dating someone who you have never met, that life that is nice and cozy is then brought into disarray.  I remember praying a prayer in contemporary issues in missions and it went like this:

Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.
We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love.

By Francis Drake

 As much as it pains me to imagine a life with Jesus that is not assumed I am terrified of what that could mean by asking God to disturb my cozy, comfortable life.

So after a week of assuming things and realizing what that does to you, we all relaxed, exited that it is just 4 more sleeps until Grandma and Grandpa Johnson come visit!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mr. Mom

Wednesday was quite an eye opening day for me.  Colleen had flu clinic at KCA and I had no classes, so we swapped places for the day.  She spent the day poking and making children cry, while I had to deal with crying kids at home.  The day started out just fine, Colleen, being the wonderful person she is made oatmeal, mainly because I don't know the right proportions and she has been making oatmeal for the last 2 years or so, so naturally, she is just better at it than me.  Thankful for the "break" of not having to make breakfast, I soon found myself alone, outnumbered by my precious little rug-rats!

Once the door closed, as Colleen left, she took with her all the great ideas I had and "fun" things we were going to do at home without Mommy!  I put the kids on the floor to play and scarfed down my food as well as the rest of theirs and took a look at the kitchen and table we just ate at.

It was as if a little "mess bomb" blew up in the apartment.  Starting to pick everything up, the kids started getting restless and the three of us began "cleaning"!  I use quotations because each one of the three of us left at home has a different idea of what cleaning is.  For Ellianna, cleaning is taking the small milk spill on the table and wiping it up so it is no longer on the table but on the chair and floor too.  Jolen, put away one dishtowel and then proceeds to take out three...put another away and take out three... put another away and take out three.. oh we are out of dishtowels... lets "put away" potholders... and when that is done... crackers... garbage... Anything else I can possibly get my hands on!  And Me, simply pick up everything and throw it into the sink.  Towels, milk, garbage, leftovers, I think I may have even tossed Jolen in there at one point, but finally after an hour long struggle, it was done.  Everything was out of reach of my children!  Alright, time to play!

Wrong!  Very Wrong!  Time to make the bed.  Pull up the sheets and covers;  sounds simple enough.  Ellianna pulls out her toys that only she is allowed to play with and the only place she is able to play with them is on the bed where Jolen cannot go but squawks the whole time Ellianna is up there arguing his case that he is a "big-boy" and therefore capable of differentiating the difference between a Lego-man's head and a piece of puffed wheat!

Laundry, the kids cannot possible make this difficult can they?  Well they can throw all the clothes on the ground.  That wasn't so bad... but wait a minute... what clothes are clean and what are dirty, what clothes just got washed and need hanging up?  The wet ones.  OK, that is simple.  But the wet ones have been thrown onto the dirty/clean ones and now they are all wet.  I guess that is why God created us with noses because clean clothes smell clean, right?

Eventually, I was able to sit down and play with the kids building blocks for about 5 minutes and then I looked at the clock and it was lunchtime and about time to start the cycle over again!

Reminded me of a song growing up

I know I have mentioned how life circumstances can give us a glimpse of heavenly things and as I watch my children grow, they are becoming more mature.  Very slowly at times it seems, but I wonder if when Paul is addressing the Corinthian Church in 1 Cor 3:2 saying he gave them milk and not spiritual food because they were not ready yet, if Our Father in heaven sometimes says, "enough with the childhood act!  It is time to grow up and not leave "messes" everywhere but grow in maturity so you may be someone who does not need to be "babied" in the faith day after day.  But be someone who is able to come alongside others and help them grow in their maturity as well!"  I know I often go about my spiritual walk and say to myself, "that doesn't need to be dealt with yet" or "I can be ignorant in my faith because I don't have the time or priority or desire to really dig deep and grow in my faith"  And I admit, I lots of times am a part of the "mess" instead of the "cleanup."

Here are a few pictures of our bundles of joy "growing up"
Dreaming of driving already

Brushing teeth for the very first time

I want to be an "old man" like Daddy!