Sunday, July 6, 2014

This blog post is brought to you by the letter "P"

I remember growing up watching Sesame Street.  Every episode of was brought to you by a specific letter.  Well, this week it was the letter P in the Johnson household.

Potty, Pee, Poop, Panties and Treat (I know it isn't a P word, but it was a big word).

You have probably guessed, but Potty training has begun.  Not only Ellianna, but now Jolen is sitting on the green and orange froggy potty we got at Superstore.

The interesting thing about potty training is I was really surprized at how it relates to the Christian life.  As mentioned in previous posts, God has been teaching me alot about the process of life and our daily walk with Jesus.

When Ellianna started, the battle of the wills began and it was sitting on the toilet for 3 hour stretches waiting for something to come out.  As the days progressed, the three hours shortened to 15 minutes every 2 hours, to less than 30 seconds from entering the bathroom to exiting.  I really didn't notice the shortening of time in the process, until we would say, "Ellianna, it is time to go potty,"  and then before I got off of the sofa, she came streaking back, "I peed."

Again, another revelation happened yesterday when Ellianna came streaking (I emphasise streaking, because she was she really without clothes running around the house) into the room.  "Why does she have her clothes off?"  I wondered.  "I peed!"  without being told to go to the bathroom.  She had moved to sensing the need to empty her bladder.  (I know I am being quite descriptive, but I am one very proud father!)

As our time in Dauphin is coming soon (in two weeks we are leaving Sexsmith and heading East), I have really begun reflecting on connecting with and discipling teenagers.  I mentioned on the youth trip to Edmonton that I forget the way youth think, but more than that, I realize the need to tell youth what they should do.

I know youth don't like to hear what they are supposed to do and want to figure things out on their own, but there also needs to be someone to show them the right way.  Kindof like my daughter on the potty.  She didn't know really what to do, but eventually she came to the point where she knew what to do.

We can't expect young and new Christians, and even those who are not as sensitive to Holy Spirit like someone who has been forgiven for 30 years.  We are all on a journey and some are farther than others, but we are called to help each other along the way.  So next time you stop and shake your head because of something someone has done, or said, come alongside them and think of where they are coming from.

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