Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hebrews 11:41

I was talking with my wife today about her women's Bible study at GBF church in Sexsmith.  They are doing a video series from Beth Moore and today they were discussing faith.  If you look at your Bibles, you will find there is no Hebrews 11:41.  Hebrews 11, the faith chapter, states many heros of the faith who are an example for us to follow (chapter 12 speaks of this).

Beth stated that Hebrews 11:41 should read "By faith      your name here    did    accomplishment of faith.  Wow, I thought, the very same God who was with Abraham, Moses, David, etc. is with us.  God expects us to accomplish great (even seemingly impossible) things by faith in Him.

I have to admit, at times my faith is so small, smaller than a mustard seed.

To be honest, I have a hard time believing we will be going to Ukraine.  I don't have a problem knowing our financial support will come in, but the actual going I doubt more than our favorite doubter Thomas.  "Until I set foot in Ukraine, God, I will not believe you want us there."

A month ago I was talking with Waldie (president of PRBI) about faith and he said that experience plays a role in our ease of believing.  He asked me "When you go on missions, is it easy to believe the money will come in?"

I answered "Yes!"

"Why?" he asked

"Because He has provided in the past"

"Exactly, you have experienced it"

Experience plays a huge role in our belief, however I also would argue that we grow in Christ as we are stretched to limits we have not been.  So, having faith in something I have not experienced is more difficult yet more rewarding because it stretches my faith and makes me jump into the unknown.

 It is kind of weird knowing we are going to Ukraine yet struggling to actually know it.  Like when we were expecting our first child, Ellianna.  Knowing I was a dad when my wife was pregnant but not really as it didn't    quite hit until she was born.

In conclusion

Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  This is what the ancients were commended for. (Hebrews 11:1-2)

I hope you have been encouraged and challenged as we all strive to grow closer to Him!

1 comment:

  1. Yes - thank God we can trust Him for the "unseen". Maybe it's the unseen that matters most.
