Friday, November 1, 2013

First Tooth!

Jolen, after 10 months and 4 days, November 1st, has cut his first tooth!

Jolen is quite a character as he will not eat mush anymore but prefers to eat chunky food.  This is incredibly difficult, but somehow he does it.  He was super exited to get his tooth though!
And we have already got him cheering for the proper team!
Ellianna this week has been exponentially difficult.  Everything is a battle.  "Let's go outside" - "But I don't want to Daddy" - "Ellianna listen to me" - "I want to but my head is telling me no."
Well today we had a rare, not uneventful but minimally eventful, trip to the grocery store and she got a treat.  She wanted Ice Cream.  Now when Ellianna wants ice cream it is usually she wants the idea of ice cream and after 1 bite it ends up on the floor, on her shirt, anywhere but her mouth.  But tonight we found a winner!

Almost gone!
I finally got around to getting proof that I do teach at KCA!
Fortunately, the school has PowerPoint as if the students had to follow my writing and train of thought (see evidence above) they would get lost.  I usually use the whiteboard to emphasize a point and after I am finished it looks like a bunch of scribbles.  The lesson I am teaching above is David's sin in committing adultery with Bathsheba and murdering Uriah (see if you can follow the lesson).
As I began teaching this year, I was wondering how I would be forming these mouldable minds and lately, it has been me the one moulded.  We were talking in Ethics about "thou shalt not commit adultery." so Colleen and Myself divided the class into boys and girls had the sexual ethics talk with them.  Man, I wish I was mature as these 16 year olds when I was their age.  They already realize the gravity of sexual sin and take measures against falling into it.  I was floored at their maturity.
The next commandment is on stealing, so, naturally, because of their age, we talked about illegal downloads of music, videos and games.  You could have heard a pin drop when I asked the question, "Is it ok to download illegal music?"  The sex talk was easy as everyone had an opinion mostly because it is just an idea in their head, but now, downloading music is something that hits home.  It wasn't only the students who were convicted but I went home being careful to be sure the proper copyrights are followed and they get their money for their music and videos.  Some of my students actually went home and deleted hundreds of gigabytes of illegal content, again floored by their maturity.
The kicker was when the grade 10 class heard about this.  They asked if I would be teaching next year because if I was, they needed to listen to all their illegal downloads before I made them delete it all.
I was reminded of a story I told my ethics class in the boy/girl talk.
I was at YC (a Christian youth conference) when I was around 15 or so and one of my friends brought a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue that we were going to look at that evening when the session was over.  The speaker spoke on purity and asked if anyone desired to take a stand for purity.  I stood up and spoke these words, I kid you not, this is what I said "God, I commit to being pure, ... after tonight."
I told the students that that was my mentality, When I turned 20 then I would be pure, when I get married then I will be pure, when I turn 30 ...  our battle with the flesh is a lifelong battle.  We need to be filling our hearts with His word and make a stand right now, not tomorrow, not next year, but Today, right now!
Your first tooth only comes along once, but God calls you to a life devoted to Him everyday!

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