Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mr. Independent!

If you were to ask me what my biggest fear is, I wouldn't need to hesitate to answer.  It is Eternity.  In my finite mind, I cannot comprehend something that does not end.  I take comfort knowing that my life will end.  Not in death itself but the certainty of it.  But spending Eternity forever, without end, and no chance of it ending terrifies me.

I know I have mentioned it before but being a parent sometimes gives us a glimpse into what our Heavenly Father sees watching us struggle through life.  Jo-Jo, as we call him, took a huge step of independence this week
Yes, our little man can now drink from a cup by himself, actually, he prefers it.  Funny how independent they get so fast.
The lesson I learned from this episode of independence has to do with our kitchen.  Ellianna is pretty smart.  Jolen loves her and chases her around the house, so Ellianna has devised a plan.  She lets him chase her for a while and then goes to the kitchen. 
Now our kitchen has a little step, probably only about 5 inches or so, but once he is up there he is stuck.  As independent as he is, he will not get down no matter what.  Ellianna just runs away after he has chased her and gets a little peace and quiet before we go over there and let him down.
This evening, I was just looking at him, still happy to be up there and started contemplating.  "Jolen," I said from the living room, "it is so easy for you to get down, trust me, I have the bigger perspective, it is not that big of a leap."  Then, God said to me, "Blake, it is so easy for you to live eternally, I have the bigger perspective, it is not that big of a leap."  And I suddenly had this vision of God in the "living room" that is heaven seeing the big picture and our small perspective urging us to Him because he can see everything and his perspective is the perfect one that matters.  And maybe death is not the big deal we make it out to be in light of HIM!


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